Hausmann, R., Schetter, U. & Yildirim, M.A., 2024
On the Design of Effective Sanctions: The Case of Bans on Exports to Russia
Economic Policy
Hausmann, R., Eichengreen, B. & Panizza, U., 2023. Yet it Endures: The Persistence of Original Sin Open Economies Review , 34 (1) , pp. 1-42.
Hausmann, R., Schetter, U. & Yildirim, M.A., 2022. On the Design of Effective Sanctions: The Case of Bans on Exports to Russia
Hausmann, R. & Schetter, U., 2022. Horrible trade-offs in a pandemic: Poverty, fiscal space, policy, and welfare World Development , 153.
O'Clery, N., Yildirim, M.A. & Hausmann, R., 2021 Productive Ecosystems and the arrow of development . Nature Communications , 12
Hausmann, R. & Ahuja, K., 2023. A more globally-minded European green industrial policy In Sparking Europe's New Industrial Revolution: A Policy for Net Zero, Growth and Resilience. Bruegel, pp. 152.
Ribeiro, A., Neffke, F. & Hausmann, R., 2022.
What Can the Millions of Random Treatments in Nonexperimental Data Reveal About Causes?
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Diodato, D., Hausmann, R. & Schetter, U., 2022. A Simple Theory of Economic Development at the Extensive Industry Margin
Hausmann, R., 2021. Lack of progress cannot be solved by a redistributive strategy . In I. Goldfajn & E. L. Yeyati, ed. Latin America: The Post-Pandemic Decade. Centre for Economic Policy Research Press, pp. 75-87
Hausmann, R., Stock, D.P. & Yildirim, M.A., 2021. Implied Comparative Advantage Research Policy
Hausmann, R., et al., 2023. Looking for Virtue in Remoteness: Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Peruvian Amazonia
Hausmann, R., et al., 2022. Cutting Putin’s Energy Rent: ‘Smart Sanctioning’ Russian Oil and Gas
Hausmann, R., et al., 2021. What Economic Complexity Theory Can Tell Us about the EU’s Pandemic Recovery and Resilience Plans Growth Lab / European Politics and Policy
Hausmann, R., 2022. Green Growth Opportunities Finance & Development , (December 2022)
Goldstein, P. & Hausmann, R., 2021. Economics of Covid-19 in three sub‑Saharan African countries: Ethiopia, Namibia and South Africa . In R. Arezki, S. Djankov, & U. Panizza, ed. Shaping Africa’s Post-Covid Recovery. The Centre for Economic Policy Research Press, pp. 195-214.
Hausmann, R., Pietrobelli, C. & Santos, M.A., 2021. Place-specific determinants of income gaps: New sub-national evidence from Mexico . Journal of Business Research
Ganguli, I., Hausmann, R. & Viarengo, M., 2020. Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm
Hausmann, R., Ganguli, I. & Viarengo, M., 2018. Career Dynamics and Gender Gaps among Employees in the Microfinance Sector In S. Anderson, L. Beaman, & J. - P. Platteau, ed. Towards Gender Equity and Development. Oxford University Press
Hausmann, R., et al., 2020. Emerging Cities as Independent Engines of Growth: The Case of Buenos Aires
Hausmann, R., Nedelkoska, L. & Noor, S., 2020. You Get What You Pay for: Sources and Consequences of the Public Sector Premium in Albania and Sri Lanka
Hausmann, R. & Neffke, F., 2018. The workforce of pioneer plants: The role of worker mobility in the diffusion of industries Research Policy.
Coscia, M., Neffke, F. & Hausmann, R., 2020. Knowledge Diffusion in the Network of International Business Travel . Nature Human Behaviour , 4 (10).
Fernandez-Arias, E., Hausmann, R. & Panizza, U., 2020. Smart Development Banks Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade , 19 (69)
Hausmann, R., Hinz, J. & Yildirim, M.A., 2018. Measuring Venezuelan Emigration with Twitter
Hausmann, R., 2018. Accessing Knowhow for Development Growth Lab at Harvard's Center for International Development
Hausmann, R. & Nedelkoska, L., 2018. Welcome Home in a Crisis: Effects of Return Migration on the Non-migrants' Wages and Employment
European Economic Review , 101 (January 2018) , pp. 101-132.
Hausmann, R., 2017. Increasing Your Chances of Success while Leaving Your Comfort Zone: Adapting Sri Lanka’s Growth Model Growth Lab at Harvard's Center for International Development