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development Ideas

Is Industrial Policy Like Vitamin C or Penicillin?

Project Syndicate

Nov. 24, 2023

ChatGPT’s Lessons for Economic Development

Project Syndicate

May 8, 2023

The Left’s Capital Punishment

Project Syndicate

Feb. 28, 2023

Why Industrial Policy Is Back

Project Syndicate

Jan. 26, 2023

Mind the Mind Gap

Project Syndicate

Aug. 27, 2021

Are Economists in Love with Tough Love?

Project Syndicate

Aug, 4, 2021

Economics Must Build Back Better, Too

Project Syndicate

April 1, 2021

Can Cheap Countries Catch Up?

Project Syndicate

Feb. 1, 2021

The Individual Failings of Economics

Project Syndicate

March 31, 2021

The Missing Link in Economic Development

Project Syndicate

Dec. 29, 2020



How to tackle Lebanon’s economic crisis

Financial Times

Nov. 30, 2023

Lessons from Namibia to the World


May 29, 2023

What Should Biden do About Venezuela?

Project Syndicate

Mar. 4, 2021



The Case for Green Industrial Parks

Project Syndicate

Jul. 13, 2023

The Supply Side of Decarbonization

Project Syndicate

May 30, 2023

Dodgy Climate Finance

Project Syndicate

Mar. 30, 2023

Development, Decarbonization, and Dumb Landowners

Project Syndicate

Sep. 30, 2022

Green Growth at the End of the Flat World

Project Syndicate

Dec. 9, 2021

ESG Will Not Help the Global South

Project Syndicate

Dec. 9, 2021

Is Green Development an Oxymoron?

Project Syndicate

Jun. 1, 2021



From Oppenheimer to Fauci

Project Syndicate

Sep. 7, 2023

Global Vaccine Leadership Wanted

Project Syndicate

Apr. 30, 2021

Zoom and Gloom


The Economist

Oct. 8, 2020


When should we hit the road again?


Financial Times

Sep. 7, 2020


Why Zoom Can't Save the World

Project Syndicate

Aug. 10, 2020


russia-ukraine war

Better Sanctions on Russia are Needed


Project Syndicate

Nov. 1, 2022

How to Eat Russia’s Oil Lunch

Project Syndicate

Mar. 31, 2022

The Case for a Punitive Tax on Russian Oil

Project Syndicate

Feb. 26, 2022

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